Monday, 17 May 2010

This Is HARD now......

Well today is week 14 weigh day and I'm down a total of 18.1 Kgs.... Since the End of April I have lost 0.3 KG or not even 1 LB and I'm not happy.

Since my 3rd fill last week,in the last 7 days, I have been to the Gym 5 mornings before work, biked more than 100 MILES and burnt off around 3,500 calories, I have played 2 games of golf, both I walked...AND STILL I have basically lost no weight for nearly 3 weeks...This Plateau SUCKS BIG STYLE.

I want to see the scales lower, and I want it NOW.....


  1. Yep - that does suck!!! Hope things get moving for you soon.

  2. I guess there's nothing for it but a food diary and a little calorie counting for a few days to see if you can pinpoint what's going on. Some will be muscle gain I imagine, but you just need to make sure you're not consuming too many calories.

    Good luck, it totally sucks when you aren't getting the results you deserve. The other thing is, get the tape measure out and see if you are losing inches and toning up, that'll make you feel a bit better!

  3. I am sooooo with you on this; I haven't lost any weight since the end of March! Tomorrow I have my 4th fill and I have my fingers crossed that it will help kick start the weightloss. Do you have another fill lined up soon?

  4. Blimey, when men are motivated they don't half go fot it..... Well done Andrew - don't fret about plateaus when you're doing so well... it's just your body trying to catch up with you.

  5. Am I the only one who thought this blog was going to be about something else? ;)

  6. @Gilly -- LMAO! @Andrew, hang in there, you've done great so far, the scale will move eventually.

  7. Sorry the scale hasn't moved but I bet you are getting RIPPED from all that exercise! You are surely losing fat and adding muscle.

    Keep up the good work!

  8. Sorry the scale isn't moving but hang in there. All this activity and healthy-ness is sure to have your body redistributing fluids. Keep it up - you will see results soon, I predict!!!

  9. And here I thought exercise would break me out of my plateau-now on it's 8th week. I have hope get the weight to move down-Fill on Friday! Keep up the exercise. Your body is just readjusting.

  10. That surely sucks - hang in there though - you're doing great & it's bound to catch up with you.

  11. Maybe it's muscle gain? Not enough calories for all of your workouts?

  12. That really sucks. I know it's easier said than done, but you're doing all the right things. Maybe too much of the right thing. I'm not in your shoes (or band) yet, so it's hard to give advice.

  13. urgh. i'm feeling your pain. a girl works out with a trainer multiple times, eats next to nothing and has a really stressful week and still no loss? seems like the universe is really angry with us right now...

  14. Totally justfies feeling but perhaps the exercise is building muscle. Catherine and Amy W went through something similar when first exercising alot. Hang in there

  15. It seems to be that going gym or biked more than 100 miles work nothing for reducing weight.
