Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Hmmmmmmm....good bye..maybe...

Hello Ladies and the token gents......

I have been thinking quite hard over the last couple of weeks and..........
I am thinking of giving up blogging.......

I read all of your stories and achievements....and  I don't really have anything to add....I was really motivated early on in my journey but now..... I read I love what I read But I have lost my Mojo to tell you all What do I do ??????

I"m lost.....what's next......I  do not feel part of the BOOBS for me...

Should this be my last post...Good BYE all


Its been emotional


  1., say it isn't so!

    I understand where you are coming from. But from where I'm coming from, you have a perspective that is unique. It's nice to read your check-ins periodically - and it's refreshing to be able to talk sports with someone, too. Some ladies are sports fans, but not all...


    I understand. But maybe not goodbye? Seems so final...

  2. I hope not Andrew, I love reading your post, even if they aren't often. I think that when you've lost your mojo...then more than ever blogging can help you. We are interested in what you have to say and we might be able to help you get your mojo back. Hang in there and give blogging a chance, boobs or not, we like you!

  3. It must be hard to be practically the only guy posting on a regular basis. If you don't feel you're getting anything out of blogging than I can understand wanting to stop. But we get so much out of YOU! I've enjoyed hearing about your experiences, your part of the world, all of it! So please check in from time to time and let us know you're still kicking.

  4. Its nice to hear a male perspective from time to time so I hope you continue to post as your time permits!

    I will not say good-bye!

  5. Cant you take a couple of the mean Banditos with you... Be well, do what feels best !!

  6. AWW! I really hope you stay in the game! I mean you have cyber-friends through your blog. You should really reconsider!

  7. I will really miss you and enjoyed reading your story. Hope you get your Mojo back. I did. Be well.

  8. I know it can be tough, being one of the only guys in the blogging world, but I love hearing from you. Do what is best for you but know you have a team of BOOBs here for you if you need us ;D You will be missed!!!

  9. NO dont go, just hanging out is ok.

  10. Sorry to hear you may be leaving us Andrew. I'm only new to this journey and I have enjoyed reading your perspective on things.
    I'm also feeling a little out of the loop, with no BOOBs for me either, but I still love reading about everyone, including you.
    Take Care :(

  11. Sorry you are leaving, but at least you gave us warning and didn't just disappear like some people.

  12. Why not just go into suspended animation until you feel motivated again? You don't have to write about lapbands or food or diets - just about anything you feel like it. And if you don't want to write either - well,just make the odd comment on our blogs so we know you're still around and about it?

  13. Sorry you feel that way Andrew. I've sent quite a few men your way who were considering the lap band. I think you're inspiring. Going to BOOBS or not, your voice is important. I hope you stick around.

  14. I am not going to BOOBS either so it isn't just guys who are left out! :) You don't have to post everyday but why make it official? Just hang out and post whenever... no need to say goodbye forever.

  15. Sorry to hear that but maybe just taking a break will help?

  16. I will miss you Andrew, we were banded so close together and have followed closely.

    I understand too, though, as I have no Bandit mojo right now.

  17. I totally udnerstand where you are coming from; the time between my blog postings is definitely getting longer as I just can't think of anything to say, especially since I've plateau'd. But I still think it can be a useful outlet as long as it doesn't become a millstone round your neck leaving you feeling guilty because you haven't posted for a while!

  18. I wrote a couple of posts when I felt like I lost my ow mojo. Blogging is more important than ever during this time. Patrick told me something very insightful during my own mojo-less time, he said " look back to when you first started & find that which gave you inspiration to begin this journey" Blog for your self, this is your journey.

  19. Sorry to hear this Andrew. But, I understand where you are coming from. I seem to "run out of material" too! I wish you well with whatever you decide. Take Care!

  20. You need to do whatever you need to do-- but I think blogging at whatever pace you blog is really good 'therapy.' It is a level of accountability for you-- and it is also a community of like-minded folks with some shared experiences. As time goes on, there may well be more guy-bandsters...
    note: not everyone is going to BOOBS or even considers herself a 'boob'-- I'm me, and wishing the boobs well-- but we're all individuals!!
    Hope you'll stick around and post however it pleases you.

  21. Keep us posted no matter what. I know so many men who struggle with weight and who would have a really hard time admitting that they need help and support throughout the process. You are such a special part of the blogging community because you are unique and have a unique perspective. Don't go!!!!
