Friday, 18 June 2010

It just keeps rising......

A very quick note as I'm off out to watch some more footy.......I have lost a further 0.5 losses are small week by week ( this 0.5kg took 10 days)  I also have to work very hard for the loss... again 5 sessions in the gym this week...I NEED my fill.

I took a picture this afternoon whist I was out taking my daughter to the cinema....The picture is of my car dash and shows that today at 2.54pm the temp was 50 c... We are only in June...I dread to think what July and August will bring, this is well above normal temp for June. I do not like the summer!!!!


  1. Hope you get your fill soon.

  2. once again...totally thought this post was going to be about something different. Tease!

  3. Gilly, Gilly, Gilly....tsk, tsk.

    Yep! Demand that fill! But slow and steady does win the race. You are doing great!

  4. Hope you get a fill soon!

    That heat sounds awful. Must have been like an oven when you got out of the car!

  5. Did you just watch the game? Depressing!

  6. Damn that's hot Andrew! And you thought Australia was hot before probably!

  7. Don't know how you can live in 50 degree temp (Roo posted the same temp). But I guess you get some exercise dashing between A/C car and A/C building. Bet you can fry an egg on the cement.
