Monday, 5 July 2010


OMG squash was great...I got my ass kicked but I so loved it.....We are playing again Wednesday

I have not played for soooo many years bit I think within 1 month I can be back.....I can win.

Problem is the wine and beer we drunk afterwards but the second game we played pi££ed...I won that one....

Exercise is getting a little addictive..I hope Im not getting anal :-)

I love my band ....I HAVE MY LIFE BACK...Yeah for all the bands....what every they are called.

The latest picture of me..........Im on the left



  1. At least exercise is a good addiction. Go for it but watch those knees!

  2. Andrew, I have never played squash but I do believe we should try to make exercise fun...sounds like you that!

  3. I've always wanted to try squash. It looks a little crazy, but I'd like to at least try it sometime. Glad you are finding exercise so addictive. I'll be so glad when I get the band surgery behind me on Friday and can concentrate on losing weight.

  4. Squash is such good cardio! I watched the UFC. I was bummed. I can't stand Brock Lesner, but the Chris Lytle fight was great! I admit it...I'm hooked!

  5. Wow.. kudos for you to have the get up and go for Squash.. not exactly a passive game.. and NOW you are addicted to exercise.. give me some of those vibes..

  6. I'm so happy for you! Great job!

    Also I don't know what game squash is. I think it is like tennis or raquetball. Maybe I'll google it ~ lol.
